Courtiol, A., Raymond, M., Faurie, C. 2009. Birth order affects behaviour in the investment game: firstborns are less trustful and reciprocate less. Animal Behaviour, 78, 1405-1411.

Labbe, P., Sidos, N., Raymond, M., Lenormand, T., 2009. Resistance gene replacement in the mosquito Culex pipiens: Fitness estimation from long-term cline series. Genetics 182:303-312 .

Alvergne, A., Faurie, C., Raymond, M., (2009). Variation in testosterone levels and male reproductive effort: insight from a polygynous human population. Hormones and Behavior, 56: 494-497.

Alvergne, A., Faurie, C., Raymond, M., (2009). Father–offspring resemblance predicts paternal investment in humans. Animal Behaviour, 78: 61-69.

LLaurens, V., Raymond, M., Faurie, C. 2009 : Ritual fights and male reproductive success in a human population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22: 1854-1859.

Alvergne A., Faurie, C. Matsumoto-Oda, A. Durand, V. and Raymond, M., 2009 : Cross-cultural perceptions of facial resemblance between kin. Journal of Vision 9(6):23, 1–10.

Huchard, E. Courtiol, A. Benavides, J. Knapp, L.A. Raymond, M. and Cowlishaw, G. (2009). Can fertility signals lead to quality signals? A new framework for the evolution of primate sexual swellings. Proceedings of the Royal Society series B 276(1663), 1889-1897.

Huchard, E., Benavides, J. A., Setchell, J. M., Charpentier, M. J. E., Alvergne, A., King, A. J., Knapp, L. A., Cowlishaw, G., Raymond, M. (2009) Studying shape in sexual signals: the case of primate sexual swellings, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63:1231-1242.

Llaurens, V., Faurie, C. and Raymond, M. (2009) Why are some people left-handed? An evolutionary perspective. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society, London, 364:881-894.

Alvergne A., Huchard, E. Caillaud, D. Charpentier, M.J.E. Setchell, J. M. Ruppli, C. Féjan, D. Martinez, L. Cowlishaw, G. and Raymond, M., (2009) : Human ability to visually recognize kin within primate. International Journal of Primatology, vol 30, 199-210.

Raymond, M. and F. Cézilly (2009). L'homosexualité chez les animaux. La sexualité animale. Paris, Le Pommier / Cité des sciences et de l'industrie: 161-185.